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When am I billed for overage minutes?

Understanding Billing for Overage Minutes: When Will You be Charged?

Our Starter and Premium Plans comes with a "starter pack" of minutes each month.

With both our Starter and Premium plans, you'll receive an initial allocation of minutes included in your monthly subscription. In the event that you exceed this limit, any additional minutes used will incur a charge per minute. You can find the cost per minute and number of minutes on our Pricing page.


So when am I charged for the extra minutes?
Those minutes are then calculated at the end of the each billing period and charged in arrears on your invoice. So if your plan started on June 7th, then on July 7th you would be charged for those overage minutes in your June 7th - July 6th billing cycle.

In order to set billing overage alerts ($1.00 minimum) you can view this article.