1. Knowledge Base
  2. Uploading and installing apps

Can I upload Xamarin apps to Appetize?

We are not experts in Xamarin, but we do have many clients who successfully use Xamarin with Appetize. 

We are not experts in Xamarin, but we do have many clients who successfully use Xamarin with Appetize. 

The extension we are looking for is .app (for iOS) and .apk (for Android). Once you have one of those files, you may zip it up and upload it to Appetize. See Uploading Apps for more information.


If you are trying to generate that file, we recommend you first try running your Xamarin.iOS app in the iOS Simulator on a Mac Computer. That process will generate the required .app bundle for you.

NOTE: Do not just do a "build all" or "rebuild all" from Xamarin. Do a "run" on the simulator

Then you can locate it, zip it, and upload to Appetize.

It is often found in a path like:

[Your iOS Project Folder]/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/[Your App Name with extension iOS or .app]


To create the APK file, right-click the Xamarin.Android project in the Solution Explorer and select Archive...

When it finishes archiving the project, click in Distribute... to proceed

The Distribute screen will present you two options: Ad-hoc and Google Play. Select Ad-hoc to generate the apk file that is required.

Please check the following links for additional helpful tips: 



Or, you can do a general Google search at https://www.google.com/search?q=xamarin+appetize.io